by Raquel Hubbard
Leading a team means providing lots of motivation. However, not everyone is motivated by the same things. Understanding what makes your team tick can provide an immense boost to your efforts to keep everyone humming along. For this type of understanding, I often turn to the DISC assessment.
The DISC categorizes individuals into four main behavioral styles: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. By identifying our primary and secondary styles, the DISC assessment helps us gain insights into our motivators and stressors. And, it helps leaders understand their teams. Let’s dig deeper.
How To Motivate Each DISC Types:
Dominance (D): Individuals with a dominant style are motivated by taking charge, achieving results, and being in control. They thrive on challenges and are driven by the desire to overcome obstacles and accomplish goals. They are often motivated by opportunities to lead and make decisions that have a direct impact on outcomes.
Influence (I): People with an influential style are motivated by social interaction, recognition, and the opportunity to inspire and influence others. They enjoy being in the spotlight, building relationships, and being seen as influential figures. They are often energized by collaborative environments and activities that allow them to showcase their interpersonal skills.
Steadiness (S): Those with a steady style are motivated by stability, harmony, and helping others. They value supportive relationships and seek environments where they can establish a sense of security and loyalty. They are often motivated by opportunities to provide assistance, maintain balance, and foster a sense of cohesion within a group or organization.
Conscientiousness (C): Individuals with a conscientious style are motivated by accuracy, precision, and the pursuit of knowledge. They thrive on intellectual challenges and are driven by the desire to analyze information, solve complex problems, and ensure quality and accuracy in their work. They are often motivated by opportunities to demonstrate their expertise and contribute to high standards of excellence.
What De-Motivates Each DISC Type:
Part of encouraging motivation also involves understanding what discourages each individual. The DISC assessment also sheds light on the stressors or triggers that can cause people to feel overwhelmed or frustrated. When you can recognize these stressors, you can minimize them as much as possible.
Dominance (D): Dominant individuals may feel stressed when faced with situations that limit their control or authority. Micromanagement, rigid rules, or lack of autonomy can be stress triggers for them.
Influence (I): People with an influential style may experience stress when their ideas are not recognized or when they feel ignored or excluded. Lack of social interaction or limited opportunities for self-expression can also be stressors for them.
Steadiness (S): Individuals with a steady style may feel stressed in highly competitive or chaotic environments. Conflict, sudden changes, or lack of support and appreciation can be significant stress triggers for them.
Conscientiousness (C): Conscientious individuals may experience stress when faced with ambiguity or situations that require quick decision-making. Lack of structure, disorganization, or sloppy work can be stressors for them.
Managing Through Motivation
By understanding our team’s motivators and stressors through the DISC assessment, it makes it simpler to cultivate environments that encourage both productivity and well-being. In my work with leaders, I encourage the DISC assessment as a way to enhance team dynamics and improve communication. By bringing together individuals with different behavioral styles and providing them with the necessary tools and support, organizations can create a more inclusive and harmonious work environment.
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